Internet of Things (IoT)

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During it’s first 25 years, the internet was a “internet of humans” and mainly was represented by web-browsers. But roughly since the year 2000 more and more (non-human) devices use the internet.

Devices that used to be “stand-alone”, like

  • medical devices,
  • electronic household devices,
  • vehicles,
  • and others

can nowadays access the internet. They might use SIM-cards for data transmission and thereby can connect with a central control software. Such software is usually called “IoT platform”. The devices will transmit measurement-values and other data, but can also receive commands and even firmware-updates.

The Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) was created in 2009, when IoT was already in full swing. The OCPP does enable the use of IoT for charging stations, but does also allows offline-capability.

For more information see

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